
Our Top 8 of 2018: Furbearer Conservation's Year In Review

Our Top 8 of 2018: Furbearer Conservation's Year In Review

Its time once again to break out the glittery hats, settle in by the fire, and pour yourself a nice glass of small-batch castoreum whiskey - we’re saying “so-long” to 2018 and “hey baby, what’s up” to 2019. So get the hand-warmers going in that tree-stand, and refresh your dirt-hole set with these top moments for Furbearer Conservation in 2018.

Beaver Booze: The creation of castoreum whiskey

Beaver Booze: The creation of castoreum whiskey

A result of the ever-intuitive and creative minds at the Tamworth Distillery, Eau De Musc pairs flavors like birch oil and wild ginger with the wildest of ingredients: beaver castor. Yes, you read that right - a beaver gland infused spirit. Imagine my surprise when my two worlds suddenly collided into one exquisite presentation.